
¿Cómo lidian las cooperativas con las tensiones?

Luc Audebrand es profesor en la Universidad de Laval (Ciudad de Quebec). Su investigación se centra en manejar las tensiones en las cooperativas de trabajadores y, en este artículo llamado “Expanding the scope of paradox scholarship on social enterprise: the case for (re)introducing worker cooperatives” (unicamente en Inglés) , describe las principales tensiones en las cooperativas de trabajo y las formas de tratar con estas tensiones.



Expanding the scope of paradox scholarship on social enterprise: the case for (re)introducing worker cooperatives

 About the author:

Luc Audebrand is an associate professor in the Faculty of Business Administration (FSA ULaval) at Université Laval (Québec City, Canada) and holder of a Chair in Educational Leadership in Social Engagement. He holds a PhD in business administration from HEC Montréal (Canada). His research interests include the management of paradoxes in alternative organizations, the role of volunteering and philanthropy in modern societies, the governance of alternative organizations, and the strategies for teaching about alternative to capitalism in business schools. He has published articles in various journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Systèmes d’information et Management and Journal of Management Education.
