Work Together (Archive)

Les coopératives et les objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU | Décembre 2015

DOSSIER SPÉCIAL > Les coopératives et les objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU

Note aux lecteurs : Il s’agit d’une archive avec des liens fonctionnels de l’édition “Work Together” envoyée en 2015.

Si vous souhaitez voir l’affichage original, vous pouvez le trouver ici. (Veuillez noter que les liens ne fonctionnent pas).


Worker, social and producers’ cooperatives will keep contributing to the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda

Canadian worker cooperatives call for an emergency based on renewable energy, care for ecosystems and human

Social inclusion through recycling: the Argentinian example

Worker cooperatives in Chile in touch with renewable energies, education and sustainability

Social agriculture: social cooperatives in Italy fostering territorial cohesion and development

In Italy, 4 out of 10 women are at the helm of social cooperatives


Cooperatives and the world of work ILO conference: strong presence of worker, social an producers’ cooperatives

Canadian and French worker cooperatives movement sign an agreement on business transfers to employees

Section des actualités européennes

Council adopts conclusions on social economy: a historic commitment for the Member States

Juan Antonio Pedreño elected president of Social Economy Europe

Between local stakes and universal emergency: cooperatives are committed to the ecological transition

Section d’actualités de l’Amérique du Nord

The USA cooperative Youth Council: Who are they and what they do?

Section d’information sur l’Afrique

The role of cooperatives in tackling the challenges faced by Africa

Section d’information sur l’Asie

The cooperative movement in Japan: a fight against unemployment and poverty